Andrea Járová editoriál pre Exclusive Magazine
Andrea Járová je modelka a slovenská Playmate. Andrea je pôvodom zo Slovenska, ale teraz žije v Naples na Floride. Poznáme sa už mnoho rokov a párkrát sme spolu aj fotili.
Teraz za nových okolností sa nám opäť podarilo spolupracovať, ale už na slnečnej Floride. Nafotili sme editoriál pre Exclusive Magazine. Väčšina fotenia sa konala v Naples a okolí, kde nájdte pôsobivé pláže a malé ostrovčeky.
Keďže sme mohli použiť aj loď, strávili príjemný čas na malom ostrove, hneď vedľa Marco Island. Neviem, ako sa to miesto volá, nebola tam žiadna značka … lol … ale aspoň nás chytila riadna búrka! Našťastie sa na začiatku búrky ešte podaril asi najkrajší záber, ale potom to už bol bláznivý príbeh. Mali sme problém s loďou ešte na oceáne. Keď sme sa konečne dostali domov, boli sme úplne mokrí ale samozrejme šťastní.
Ďalší deň sme mohli použiť niekoľko skvelých automobilov, medzi inými aj skutočne nádhernú Corvettu. A posledný záber bol vytvorený v najkrajšom klube na Miami Beach v Bamboo. Aktualizujeme, že klub je od roku 2014 zatvorený.
Andrea Jarova is a Playboy model and Playmate of the Year. Andrea is originally from Slovakia. Now she lives in Naples in Florida. I know Andrea for many years, and we have been shooting together a couple of times.
Now under new circumstances, we have had the pleasure to work together again, but here in sunny Florida now. We shot a cover editorial for Exclusive Magazine. As the primary location, we chose Naples with its impressive beaches and small islands. I personally really love Port Royale Beach, what an excellent site!
We were able to use a boat, so we have spent some time on a small island, right next to Marco Island. I don’t know the name of that place, there was no sign there … lol … but at least we got a real storm! Of course, I took the most beautiful picture in this storm, and it’s a nice crazy story to tell because we also got an issue on our boat. We were so happy when we got home, well and obviously we were also completely wet.
Another day we were able to use some cool cars, like a really lovely Corvette for like two pictures. And the last image was created in the most beautiful club at Miami Beach at Bamboo. Update, that club is closed since 2014.
client: Exclusive Magazine – Cover editorial
model: Andrea Jarova
location: Naples and Marco Island
photography by Jan Freire

Freire Photography – Bratislava
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