Commercial Photography
Freire Photography je tiež štúdio komerčnej fotografie so sídlom v Bratislave. Naše služby poskytujeme aj na Floride a v New Yorku. Ale radi cestujeme kamkoľvek!
Jedna fantastická komerčná fotografia je hodná tisícok slov.
Vdýchnite svojmu produktu život a vytvorte neodolateľnú návnadu, ktorou prilákate svojich zákazníkov.
Freire Photography má dlhoročné skúsenosti s komerčnou fotografiou. Môžeme vám nafotiť krásny kalendár alebo katalógové obrázky. Pretože Jan Freire má silné módne zázemie, väčšina našich klientov pochádza z oblasti životného štýlu alebo módy. Milujeme fotografovanie jedla, ale radi zachytávame aj firemné akcie, je jedno, či ide o súkromné alebo veľké firemné akcie.
Našimi klientmi sú značky ako SONY, Pioneer, Dior, Baldinini, Oriflame, Geox, MAC Tools a mnoho ďalších. Tu môžete nájsť mnoho blogov týkajúcich sa reklamnej práce.
Freire Photography is also a Commercial Photography Studio based in Miami. We provide our services in Florida and NYC. But we love to travel anywhere!
One fantastic commercial photograph is worth a thousand words.
Breathe life into your product and let’s create the irresistible lure to attract your customers.
Freire Photography has many years of experience in commercial photography. We can provide you with a beautiful calendar or catalog pictures. Because Jan Freire has a strong fashion background, most of our clients are from lifestyle or fashion fields. We really love food photography and we also like capturing corporate events, it doesn’t matter if they’re private or big company events.
Our clients are brands like SONY, Pioneer, Dior, Baldinini, Oriflame, Geox, MAC Tools, and many others. Many of our commercial work-related blogs are here.
Our Commercial Work Includes:
- Ads
- Calendars
- Catalogs
- Product Covers
- PR pictures
- Events
Commercial for SONY Extra Bass in Miami – used worldwide for 3+ years
2010 Calendar for Pioneer
Product covers for Bepon
Posters for Sempre Shoes
Picture from 2010 Calendar for Pioneer
Menu for upscale restaurant Marakesh
Posters for sushigami
We using Sony PRO equipment and Bowens lights.
Freire Photography – Bratislava
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